The Museum -Activities

BELvue museum:Activities

Website activity cover 9

Time Warp mission

Play in teams to restore the timeline turned upside down in 1830. Explore the museum’s rooms, complete the challenges and make the right choices to save history and the treasures of Belgian culture.

E Crooy Family Day 130 small
Permanent collection

Free entry every Wednesday afternoon!

Entry to the BELvue Museum is free every Wednesday from 2p.m. Why not use the opportunity to come and discover the activity tours for children?

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Guided group tour

Ciao amici: walking tour in Brussels

Since the end of the 1940s, the Italians have influenced our history and our daily life, and not only by pasta and the Chianti!

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Guided group tour

2 (t)huizen, 1 museum: guided tour

Discover the BELvue museum in a different way: through Leila, Saad, Ikram, & Jürgen's eyes! The BELvue worked in partnership with FMDO to train several people with an immigrant background to tell their life stories based on the museum's themes.

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Autonomous group tour

Group visit of the permanent collection

Visit the new permanent exhibition of the BELvue museum with a group. The Museum is open on Mondays for groups with a reservation only. A perfect opportunity for a quiet museum visit!

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Permanent collection

Free entry every first Sunday of the month!

Entry to the BELvue Museum is free every first Sunday of the month! Why not use the opportunity to come and discover the activity tours for children (from 3 years of age

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Virtual tour

Immerse yourself in the heart of the museum's permanent exhibition with our virtual tour. You will discover our seven rooms and our gallery of 200 Belgian objects as if you were there! You can also find out more about...

App Patrimoine
Permanent collection

The Heritage App

Would you like to discover the museum in an interactive and exciting way? Would you like to participate in the various educational games at your own pace? It is all possible thanks to the Heritage App. Download the app on your smartphone today!

Birthday @Museum

Celebrating your birthday at BELvue means playing, learning and fun. You're sure to have an unforgettable afternoon with a delicious snack!

Educational service

A workshop on politics? A hands-on exhibition about democracy? A pedagogical dossier about our colonial past? Check out our offer!


The BELvue is accessible to all. Discover all about our customised tours, discounts, free entry on Wednesday afternoons and more.

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Did you know?

Like to know more about the history of Belgium and Brussels? Discover our affordable combi ticket for BELvue and the Coudenberg Palace!
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Plan your visit

On your own or with a whole school? Less mobile? On foot, by metro or by car? We have set out everything for you.